Immersive Therapy

It would be my great joy to be of service in your healing and that of this planet. Here is a small secret, releasing pain creates more room for bliss to blossom.

It would be my great joy to be of service in your healing and that of this planet. Here is a small secret, releasing pain creates more room for bliss to blossom.

You carry the cure withing you.
Everything that comes your way is blessed.
The creator gives you one more day.
Stand on the neck of fearful mind .
Do not wait to open your heart.
Let yourself go into the mystery.
Sometimes the threads have no weave.
The price for not loving yourself is high.
~ Jim Cohn

Are you suffering from symptoms of unresolved trauma; PTSD, anxiety, depression or just feeling stuck? Have you reached the point where it is already costing too much in your precious life? Are you ready to invest in your speedy healing? In our focused time together we will use several modalities (including EMDR) to create a Ritual Healing Event. My offices are in West Berkeley, or Glen Park in San Francisco, Home visits (may include fee for travel time), Virtual sessions, and all creative options will be considered.

How did I come to create a VIP day? Through my 26 years of learning with my clients, with approximately 16,000 sessions, I can say with certainty One’s Psyche if given a sacred safe container (or a “no blame, no shame zone”) will allow what is most in need of healing to bubble to the surface. As we turn to face whatever has been haunting you, making conscious what was deeply buried, the hidden gifts can be revealed. Sometimes this involves letting go of self-defeating behaviors or repeating negative thought patterns. Other times it is stretching into holding the joyous aspects of life, and truly learning that each one of us is lovable, valuable, unique and precious beyond words.

When I first was trained in EMDR in 1997, I experienced the value of a double session, which was the standard for EMDR treatment. A normal 50 minute session was far too short to allow safety in opening into the deeper realms of trauma. In my career I have experimented with 2, 3, & 4 session blocks with EMDR. I have been amazed at how exponentially deeper the healing can be with longer time. So the next step was trying 5 sessions with a lunch break in the middle. I had found the sweet spot! I have witnessed clearings in clients that they and I consider miraculous. Thus was born: Tenderly Transforming Trauma: VIP Days. My clients have found themselves Opening To Unimagined Possibilities, their lives transforming in a myriad ways. When you Say YES To Your Magnificent Self, the Universe responds in beautiful and unfathomable ways.

If you are curious to see if this is a fit for you schedule a Clarity Consultation with me. Know there is prep work to prepare for this session and it is essential that the timing be right for you. This is what we determine together in our call. Blessings on your healing journey of life.

Clients Experiences:

“Lori is nothing short of Magic. We’ve had a couple deeply transformational sessions that helped me let go of some life-long patterns and let me connect to my deepest truths.” - KM

“EMDR directly healed my trauma.” - SB

EMDR with Lori

When I first started working with Lori, I knew my traumatic experience from my teen years had and was still impacting me. It wasn’t until we started to, with EMDR, unwind the tendrils of trauma that I could see the subtle yet vast coping mechanisms I had created to survive this event.

I don’t want to talk about the details of my life shattering experience; I want to share the after effects of it. I didn’t trust men, women and the most important of all, I didn’t trust myself. I kept myself away from deep connection because it had proven so dangerous in the past. I kept myself small, I told myself stories about why I couldn’t live my bigger dreams.

Within 3 sessions, I was shedding the old and integrating the new affirmations that organically came from each session. I saw I did already have friends I could trust. I believed in myself and began to create the business I really wanted. Which will actually take me out of just surviving into true thriving financial abundance.

I know I am not done, as healing is a journey. And I am so grateful to have this powerful tool of EMDR that can “burn through trauma,” so expeditiously.

~ A.A. (2019)

A sharing our VIP+ Day ~ Oh Lori where to begin? 

My magical journey with Lori Opal, MFT was an experience that was most definitely mystical and mysterious.  I had no preconceived idea what the session was going to be like or where we would go to through this ritual healing process. 

As we sat in the beautiful room that she had so thoughtfully set up, she asked me a few very powerful questions that immediately hit my subconscious triggers. Pulling up what I was searching to heal.  The way she gently guided me with inquiry truly helped me process what I needed to release.  As we journeyed further I felt tremendous trust and comfort from her.  She held me in her arms healing a wounded aspect of me that needed a mother’s love.  

She intuitively guided me though some EMDR and I had no idea what magic she was manifesting, until after I felt the little child in me surrender to peace and I let go of so much pain and suffering.  I couldn’t imagine processing through that pain anywhere else or with anyone else.  Lori made it so safe to express the true depth of my pain and sadness. 

I feel peace after my session with her.  A few days after, I could still feel the gentle softness of my experience.  The heavy sadness I had carried for so many years ago ~ released, it evaporated effortlessly, it is now gone.  A lasting side effect I have noticed is I am being more loving and compassionate towards myself now! 

I thank Lori for intuitively knowing exactly where to go and when.  Her work is almost like a flowing stream silently and gently moving through to cleanse and remove any blockages. 

I highly recommend Lori’s VIP, & VIP+ sessions to anyone who needs to clear any deep traumatic experiences. 

 ~L.G. (2019)

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